Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Christmas party at the Waechtler's house.
I know a lot of people hate making New Years Resolutions but I like them. I like making goals and trying to achieve them. I am definitely not perfect at keeping them though. Last year I set 2 goals. I wrote them on my home page of FB and kept them all year long. I achieved one of them and I am still working on the other one. The goal I achieved was to lose 20 pounds and I did that! In fact, I lost 22 pounds but gained 2 back over the holidays. The other one was to get out of debt, and we are still working on that one. I asked Bobby and the kids what they were going to work on and here are all of their responses:

Bobby: Spend less time watching tv and attend the temple more.

Trevor: Do better in school and read without complaining.

Abbey: Less tattling

Kyra: Make less messes

Mine: Wear my seatbelt, think before I speak, stop swearing and drinking caffeine, be nicer to Bobby, and lose 8 more pounds.

My kids' goals are a dream come true for me because they all said something that I nag them about. I am going to try to do less of that this year, but some of that just comes with being a mom I think. Happy New Year everyone! AND happy goal setting! (remember to write them down because a goal not written down is only a wish!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I love your families resolutions! Too cute! And congratulations on loosing 20 pounds! That is so great! Good luck with your resolutions this year too! That's quite a list. :)