Saturday, June 12, 2010

Kyra's Baptism June 5, 2010

Here are the photos of Kyra before we went to the Tabernacle. We prayed for no rain today and our prayers were answered. The weather was beautiful.
This was not a great picture because the car is in the background and Jakie is pulling a funny face but Kyra and daddy looked cute!
Jakie thought he needed to be in every picuture!! Funny boy!!
Here Kyra is on her special day in the Tabernacle by the font. I think she was very nervous. During this I have seen a new side of Kyra's personality. She is really quite shy when she is around new people or in a new situation. When Kyra got interviewed by the Bishop she was so nervous to do it alone. The Bishop assured her that she would be fine. He told me later that she knew every question he asked her.
Isn't she cute?
I love that they let you take pictures by the font. I think every picture you can take, makes the memories last longer.
This is one of my favorite photos of Kyra. She looked so pretty after getting baptized. She was just glowing. She looked so pure and clean. She was glowing the whole day even at the lunch we had after.
Trevor is such a ham. He DID NOT want his picture taken so this is the smile we got from him.
Grandma and Grandpa
Oma and Opa didn't stay for pictures because Oma wasn't feeling well.
Here is our cute family. I wish they would have gotten closer so you could have seen us better but oh well!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Kyra is beautiful! What a neat day you all had! Thanks for sharing your pictures with us!