Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My favorite Christmas present

Abbey has a giving personality like me. She didn't have money to buy gifts but that didn't stop her. She made everyone a coupon book. This is a picture of Bobby's. In my book the coupons were:

1. Help with the dishes

2. give hug/kiss

3. Stop that

4. No tattling

5. Watch Jacob

Isn't she sweet? My favorite is the stop that and no tattling coupon. I can't wait to use them. I am not exactly sure how the no tattling one works. Do I give it to her after she tattles and then tell her no more tattling for the rest of the day OR do I give it to her right before she wants to tell me something bad that one of her siblings is doing? I guess I will have to ask her.

Kyra is picking up on this cute little thing Abbey does. Last night, Kyra wrote notes to everyone in the family and put them in all of our rooms. I have two very sweet girls. Today I think I will write Kyra a note and put it in her room.

1 comment:

Becky said...

So sweet! You are obviously a good mommy- your kids are mirroring you! I can tell!

Homemade gifts are always my favorite too!